Home Entertainment & Automation Services in Matthews, NC.
Home Entertainment & Automation Services in Matthews, NC.
Home audio and Video Services in Matthews, NC.  TV installation, Surround Sound, Home Entertainment Systems
My House Is Built and Wired – Now What?

The owner of a new home managed to have it centrally wired before plastering, and wants to know what A/V and tech systems may lie ahead.

Q. I have just bought a new house, and before the house was plastered I got extra wiring done by the electrician. I have wiring in all rooms for speakers (ceiling in all rooms apart from sitting room where speakers will be free-standing). All wires go back to one area under the stairs except for surround sound for sitting room. I haven’t done anything else in regards to amps, systems etc. Can you advise me as to what to do from here or what systems I need, or what you recommend I do?

A. It sounds like you have a good start on a multiroom audio and home theater system. Depending on your finances there are a number of things you could do. I would develop a budget for these systems and I would write down a few key points that you want the system to do, then I would contact a professional installation company.
An installer will be able to work with you to outfit your home with the products and technologies that best fit your lifestyle applications and budget considerations.
Some of the multiroom audio solutions you’ll probably be looking at from an installer include products from companies like Russound, NuVo, Niles, Sonance and SpeakerCraft.
Your theater will also afford you many options that depend on your room size, usage scenarios and of course, your budget.
A few of the things an installer will discuss with you includes how the system will be used (movies, TV, music and whether you want the system tied into your multiroom audio system). From there he will show you some technology and product solutions such as separates (amp/preamp) vs. receivers, Blu-ray players, media servers, Apple iPod compatibility, and video options like flat-screen TVs vs. a screen and projector and even anamorphic lens solutions. Are you dedicating a room to a theater, or will it be in a multipurpose room?
The final element he’ll discuss with you is the control options for the systems and whether you want a whole-house solution or IR-based remotes for each system.
One last thing too, if you still have the ability to go into the walls think about running Ethernet (Cat 5) cabling to backbone current and future data/communication and entertainment solutions that you may want to explore. 

by Robert Archer


Custom Installation Services, LLC – Charlotte and Asheville NC’s Source For Multi Room A/V Sales Service & Installation!

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Panasonic VT25 Series 3D Plasmas Shipping in May

CIS - Charlotte NC's #1 Authorized Dealer For Panasonic & Samsung 3D HDTV's!

CIS - Lake Norman's #1 Authorized Dealer For Panasonic & Samsung 3D HDTV's!

First models available will be 50- and 54-inch versions, with 58- and 65-inchers to be added in June.

While the Magnolia/Best Buy VT20 series 3D displays from Panasonic have been available for a little over a month now, the mass-market equivalent VT25 series will be rolling on to store shelves and into homes starting in early May. 

The first models available will be the 50-inch and 54-inch versions, while 58-inch and 65-inch sizes will trickle out later in June.  Tech specs for the whole series, along with 2D plasma and LCD products, can be found at www.Panasonic.com.

SRPs on the TC-P50VT25 50-inch model and TC-P54VT25 54-inch model are $2,599 and $2,999, respectively, with availability the week of May 3. There’s not specific date, but the $3,399 TC-P58VT25 58-inch set and $4,299 TC-P65VT25 65-incher are due in June, according to Panasonic.

The display manufacturer lists features as:
Full HD 3D Technology –- VT25 Series features new, faster screen phosphors (short-stroke) which, when coupled with the VIERA VT25’s 600Hz sub-field drive, outputs alternating imagery at 60 frames per second to each eye.

Active Shutter Eyewear—All Panasonic VIERA VT25 Series models come with one pair of Panasonic 3D Active Shutter Eyewear (TY-EW3D10U). Additional pairs of Panasonic 3D Eyewear are available at retail with an SRP of $149.95.

Infinite Black Pro Panel –- A new phosphor technology that produces deep blacks (5,000,000:1 native contrast) and vivid images with minimal reflection.

THX Certified Display—Ensures that every Panasonic Full HD 3D TV displays motion pictures and TV content with the quality and color palette that the director intended.

VIERA CAST WiFi with Skype—Gives viewers the ability to access feature films plus information and communication offerings including Amazon Video on Demand, Bloomberg News, Fox Sports, Netflix, and Skype.

by Stephen Hopkins


Custom Installation Services, LLC – Charlotte and Asheville NC’s Authorized Dealer For Samsung, Panasonic & Sharp HDTV’s!

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Can RadioShack & Other Retailers Sell Home Automation?

Home control is still a “push” sell and CE pros are best positioned to push it into the mainstream

When I suggested in my January Industry Insider that home automation has never succeeded at retail, I received a harshly worded response from 35-year industry veteran Dave Rye.

The senior VP of X10 wrote, “Quite frankly Julie you haven’t a clue what you’re talking about.”

He went on to recount the impressive history of X10 – a pioneer in powerline-based control – and concludes, “X10 doesn’t just ‘try’ sell to the masses, we do it, and do it very successfully.”

I concede that X10 does a wonderful job of selling gadgets and covert cameras, but not home automation to the masses. I don’t mean masses of gadget freaks, but masses of ordinary people. And by home automation, I mean integrated lighting and thermostats and maybe a macro or two.

Rye rattles off a litany of X10 private-labeled solutions for the likes of IBM, RCA, RadioShack and Stanley — all of which were very capable solutions back then, but none of which succeeded. True, as he says, they were all “sold at retail, to the masses.”

Sold, perhaps, but not purchased.

We see the same phenomenon today, despite boasts from numerous home-control vendors that their products have been picked up by RadioShack, Lowes, Best Buy and other mass marketers. Picked up by retailers, but are they being picked up by consumers?

On a recent trip to my local Shack — the corner store formerly known as RadioShack — I found a very brisk cell phone kiosk. But not a single person gazed at the modest array of X10-like gadgets.

Furthermore, dust had settled on the two Schlage Link boxes in the store. Although the boxes — containing a Z-Wave-enabled door lock, wireless Internet gateway, and Z-Wave lamp module — sat on prime shelves, they attracted little interest from passersby.

I asked the store associate (a long-time employee): Have you sold many of the Schlages?

He looked at me confused.

When I pointed to the boxes, he said, “Oh those. No, people are turned off by the price. They’re like $300.”

And then I asked how customers felt about the $12.99 monthly service fee for remote access.

Again, that confused look: “What?!”

And that’s probably the same dialog I would have with the folks at Lowe’s, Best Buy or other popular stores that sell home automation.

RadioShack stock is up about 80% over the past year, and the company enjoyed a 26-percent increase in earnings in the fourth quarter. But it was all about cell phones. Phones are easy to sell. Consumers know what they are. RadioShack employees know what they are. Who has the bandwidth to learn about and sell home automation?

Not to pick on Schlage. The same can be said of Xanboo, iControl and countless other home-control vendors that have practically abandoned the retail channel. Furthermore, there has not been a single successful home-control initiative involving utilities, telcos, cable and other service providers, despite numerous efforts.

Home automation still remains a very assisted sale. Except for the geeks, the real mass market doesn’t understand the stuff, and doesn’t want to install it.

So there remains a tremendous opportunity for integrators, even if you’re installing DIY-friendly products like Schlage.

By Julie Jacobson


Custom Installation Services, LLC – Charlotte and Asheville NC’s Source For Home Automation Products!

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Custom Installation Services, LLC | P.O. Box 132 Matthews, NC 28106 | 704-400-8701 | dmiller@cis-nc.com
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