In his annual Top 10 list of technology predictions, Anderson proclaims 2010 the year that Microsoft “loses” in the consumer space:
Microsoft loses in its Consumer play: except for gaming, it is Game Over for MS in Consumer. This will make Consumer the place to be, where the most robust and exciting change artists will work.
Anderson believes that Microsoft’s vision of integrating front-end platforms with a strong back-end platform “isn’t resonating,” reports ZDNet’s Mary Jo Foley, who attended Anderson’s Top 10 affair:
Instead, customers are more interested in the fully-integrated user interfaces (with apps, marketplaces and the like) with an OK, but not great, back-end integration story. Apple, Android and others are better positioned here and going to win, Anderson told dinner participants ….
We wondered earlier why Microsoft has not created something as fundamental as a marketplace for apps and services, especially for Media Center – a job now being undertaken by a couple of fans in their free time.
Anderson believes that Microsoft’s failure in the mobile category will further alienate consumers from the software company’s ecosystem.
He says Windows 7, “ironically, by failure of imagination and by its PC-centric platform, actively clears space for others to take over the OS via mobile platforms.”
By Julie Jacobson
Custom Installation Services, LLC – Home Theater, Audio and Video services in North Carolina.