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Dolby Talks TrueHD, Format Differences

dolbytruehd300Craig Eggers of Dolby Laboratories explains the differences between the company’s audio formats and the connection options to facilitate these formats’ playback.

As a victim of circumstance the company has had a difficult time educating the public about the advantages of its Dolby TrueHD format, but Craig Eggers, senior manager, partner marketing for Dolby Laboratories, says the company is working to inform consumers about the parameters of its lossless audio format, which is available on Blu-ray discs.

A Recent History of Surround Sound

Eggers says that consumers interested in the different formats should start by examining Dolby’s discrete 5.1 format that’s available as part of the digital television and home video disc formats.

“The format that’s part of the [DTV] broadcast standard and DVD is Dolby Digital. Dolby Digital is a lossy, compressed format. It was designed to eliminate redundancies within the decoding process. This enables us to take a big file and compress it down to a file that’s compatible with DVD and broadcast TV,” Eggers explains.
“Dolby Digital Plus builds upon this. Dolby Digital has a bit rate 384/448kps. The format is capable of going 640kbps and receivers are capable of decoding that bit rate. In broadcast [TV] and DVD, Dolby Digital is limited to 448kbps and 5.1. With Dolby Digital Plus we can add more bits than Dolby Digital Plus—6Mbps and it can support 7.1 channels of discrete audio.”

Eggers mentions that as Dolby Digital evolved, companies have turned to the Dolby Digital Plus format, which is built upon the foundation of Dolby Digital to increase the quality of their products.. He says companies like Vudu now use Dolby Digital Plus because of its variable bit rate efficiencies that enable it to provide a 1080p level of video while also offering a quality surround sound experience.

Blu-ray Ushers in Better Sound

Taking the quality level higher, Dolby’s lossless compression audio format Dolby TrueHD provides consumers with the same quality level that the recording engineers hear with master recordings.

Eggers says that Dolby TrueHD is available as part of the Blu-ray format and they support legacy components that aren’t compatible with Dolby True HD by embedding a higher bit rate 640kbps Dolby Digital soundtrack into the audio to ensure a high level of surround sound.

To experience the company’s lossless surround format, Eggers explains that consumers have the choice of using either HDMI or RCA cables between their Blu-ray players and receivers.

“A lot of newer AV receivers have external audio inputs and with these inputs, what you need to look for in a BD player is one that internally decodes Dolby TrueHD and that comes equipped with multichannel analog outputs,” says Eggers.

“The player has to decode Dolby TrueHD internally and it must be equipped with multichannel analog inputs. Taking it a step further, if the Blu-ray disc player can decode Dolby TrueHD, it can decode the format and it can pass through HDMI as PCM audio and it then sends the signal to a receiver with early versions of HDMI [1.1, 1.2]. Newer receivers with HDMI 1.3 have built-in Dolby Digital Plus and TrueHD decoders and they enable the Blu-ray player to send a Dolby Digital Plus or Dolby TrueHD bitstream signal to the receiver where it’s decoded inside the receiver.”

Audiophile Pedigrees Not Necessary
According to Eggers, the best part of the Dolby TrueHD format regardless of how it’s achieved in the home is the final result, which he says is immediately noticeable to the listener.

“I think if you have a quality system, there is an audible difference and what they [consumers] will experience is a warmer signal with more atmosphere and presence, and it is very natural sounding,” states Eggers.

“A good example is the ‘Chris Botti in Boston,’ disc. It has warmth, presence and its sound contributes to the, ‘you are there experience.’”

If all of this information still isn’t enough to clarify the benefits of Dolby TrueHD, Eggers advises consumers to visit the Dolby Laboratories’ Web site, which offers lots of detailed materials on the topic.

by Robert Archer


Custom Installation Services, LLC – Home Theater, Audio and Video Services, Home Automation  in North Carolina and South Carolina



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10 Tips to Make a Family Room Look Like a Theater

famtheater300Tricks that’ll make your family room have that home theater vibe.

Not everyone has the luxury of dedicating a room solely for big-screen movie viewing. More often, that space is shared with a family room, a den or a guest bedroom.

And that’s OK. Your family room is already finished and furnished. Plus, it probably already has a good-size TV and modest surround-sound system.

If your family room is like most, it may not look or feel much like a theater. What it’s likely lacking is ambiance – something in the arrangement and design of the room that gives off a theater vibe.

You can go as simple or as complicated as you want to produce the desired cinematic effect. Here are 10 ideas to consider.

1. Re-paint: Dark, rich colors like burgundy and navy blue scream theater. Plus, because light doesn’t reflect off dark colors like it does off light colors, the video on your TV will look better.

2. Rearrange the Furniture: The screen at your local cinema sits directly in front of the seats; your TV should, too, which may require a slight adjustment of your family room furniture.

3. Add Architectural Details: Decorative moldings, pillars and other theater-inspired details are widely available at home improvement stores.

4. Incorporate New Lighting: Most of the pre-show lighting in a commercial theater is produced by sconces on the wall. Put a few on the walls of your family room for additional lighting that looks like the real thing. Rope lighting is also very theater-esque.

5. Install Dimmers: If you don’t want to run new electrical wiring for the sconces, at least swap your existing light switch for a dimmer. You’ll be able to fade out the lights before the movie starts.

6. Hang Drapes: Nice, thick drapes like the ones that cover the screen at the movie theater evoke the look and feel you’re after. As a bonus, they can block out incoming light and improve room acoustics.

7. Hide the Components: Remove all the audio and video components from the room and place them somewhere else in the house, like a closet or utility room. Trade in your existing infrared remote control for a radio frequency-based remote. It’ll be able to transmit commands to the equipment through walls, floors and doors. 

8. Build a Riser: You can enjoy the same stadium-style seating of your neighborhood cinema in your own family room by having a riser built. Marc Huebner of Enhanced Home Systems in Eden Prairie, Minn., recommends constructing two steps that are each six inches high. The top step should include a platform at least six feet deep so that chairs can fit comfortably on it.

9. Pick New Seats: Invest in theater-style seating, especially if you’ve built risers. These seats can be ordered in a color to complement the new wall paint. They can include features like reclining action and built-in cup holders.

10. Attach Fabric Wall Panels: The walls in most theaters are covered in fabric. You can do the same in your family room, although you don’t have to do the entire space.
by Lisa Montgomery


Custom Installation Services, LLC – Home Theater, Audio and Video Services, Home Automation  in North Carolina and South Carolina

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When Do You Need High Speed HDMI?

hdmi_speed_teaserWe outline four types of cables and when each is necessary for 1080p.

In an attempt to minimize confusion surrounding HDMI 1.4, HDMI Licensing LLC has created a four-category labeling system. There previously were only two types of HDMI cables:

Standard HDMI Cable: Supports up to 720p/1080i up to bandwidth of 2.25Gbps.

High Speed HDMI Cable: Supports 1080p or higher, including 3D or 4k/2k, up to bandwidth of 10.2Gbps.

But with the introduction of HDMI 1.4, there are two new cables:

Standard HDMI Cable with Ethernet: Supports up to 720p/1080i supporting up to a total uncompressed bandwidth of 2.25Gbps. Adds support for HDMI Ethernet Channel (up to 100Mbps).

High Speed HDMI Cable with Ethernet: Supports 1080p or higher up to an uncompressed bandwidth of 10.2Gbps. Adds support for HDMI Ethernet Channel (up to 100Mbps).

Only home theaters with Internet connections will require an HDMI cable with Ethernet. All other existing cables support the remaining features of HDMI 1.4.

“With HDMI 1.4, only the Ethernet Channel requires a new upgraded cable,” reiterates Jeff Park, technology evangelist for HDMI Licensing LLC. “That is only exception that requires a new cable.”

Below is a chart of all the possible features of HDMI and what cables are required for each feature. When you’re watching TV (or a projector) in any format below 1080p, there are only two instances when you’ll need a High Speed Cable: Deep Color and 120Hz from the source.

In both of these cases, if you’re viewing 720p or 1080i content, a High Speed Cable is necessary because those features require almost double the bandwidth of standard definition.

Finally, 120Hz from the source is very different from the 120Hz or 240Hz achieved through upscaling built into the TV. All TVs manufactured today upscale the signal inside the display. If the signal is being upscaled, having a High Speed Cable will not make a difference.


 Click for full-size image

by Jason Knott 


Custom Installation Services, LLC – Home Theater, Audio and Video Services, Home Automation  in North Carolina and South Carolina

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